What better way to gear up for St. Patrick’s day than to get some insider knowledge of craft beer and how its popularity is on the rise in Ireland, from craft beer experts HonestBrew. Brody Rossiter- beer guru from HonestBrew- is our guest blogger today and tells us more about he craft beer scene in the Emerald Isle.

Although Guinness is still a force to be reckoned with, it looks like smaller craft beer producers are starting to make themselves heard. Since 2012, Republic-based microbreweries have more than trebled in number- highlighting the public’s new found thirst for small batch beer. Today, craft beer is back in a big way across the Emerald Isle. The number of Irish breweries is continuously growing, while a reputation for quality products is constantly being reinforced by producers such as HonestBrew favourites, White Hag. The west coast brewery is one of the most exciting and unique companies to arrive in the wake of the recent craft beer boom. Combining traditional and modern techniques to build upon beloved native Irish styles with their own distinct twist, the brewery has rediscovered some extinct styles from the many hundreds of breweries that once thrived in Ireland as well as creating world class examples of classic styles such as IPA and stout.
We suggest trying White Hag’s multi award winning Imperial Stout, Black Boar. Rich, bold and roasty, Black Boar comes across as warm and bittersweet with flavours of treacle, coffee and dark chocolate. If you’re a velvety chocolate fan, this’ll be your perfect St Patrick’s tipple.

Another of HonestBrew’s featured Irish breweries is 8 Degrees. The shockingly harmonious partnership of a Kiwi and Aussie combine southern hemisphere hop know how and Irish malts in the Ballyhoura Mountain
region of Cork. Scott and Cam have been making waves over the last few months, further exposing Ireland’s diverse and collaborative brewing community. Why not try 8 Degrees’ Single Malt IPA, The Full Irish. Originally released in 2014 and a year later voted in as the best beer of 2015 by Irish beer organisation and all round good bunch, Beoir.

This beer is brewed using 100% Irish malt and showcases the quality barely grown in Ireland’s famously luscious countryside. A hop bomb with citrus and floral characters, grapefruit at the fore with hints of lime, melon and lychees. So there you have it, St Patrick’s day needn’t be celebrated with just a pint or two of Guinness. If you’re feeling adventurous why not try HonestBrew’s craft beer service for half price– you’ll get 50% off a Taster Kit which consists of 6 craft beers and tasting guide!