Skiing or snowboarding? If you’re either one or the other you will know that this subject can get very contentious- don’t try to deny it. However there are pros and cons for both sports, and as we have a mix of both skiers and snowboarders in the team we’d delve into this age-old debate.

Ease of Learning
Skiing is much easier to learn initially- the basic moves aren’t too difficult to learn (snow plough anyone?!). However once you’ve mastered the parallel turn, it can be hard to motivate yourself to improve. Snowboarding, though much more difficult to grasp at the start (as your bum can attest to), is much more fun to continue learning – thanks in part to the tricks and moves you can do!
Snowboarding – 1
Skiing – 0
Clothing and Sportswear
Snowboarding gear is a little cheaper- after all skiing requires a lot more equipment than snowboarding does. In terms of the clothing itself though, skiing gear is just as cool as snowboarding. Nowadays you can go sleek in monochromatic colours or go for bright clashing colours, bobble hats, reflective goggles and choose between baggy or skinny fits. Basically anything goes.
Snowboarding – 1
Skiing – 1
Getting from A to B
You’ll find skiing and snowboarding have their own benefits and draw backs when it comes to getting around. Essentially it’s much easier to walk in your snowboarding boots than your skiing boots. However getting out of the lifts and making your way down the slopes is always easiest on skis. Plus, if you fall you have your poles to help you get up- if it’s a minor fall that is. Likewise, your poles are also handy when you find yourself on flat or slightly uphill grounding. The said flat and uphill grounds aren’t particularly easy on snowboarders- you’d better hope there are some friendly skiers nearby that would help you out!
Snowboarding – 0
Skiing – 1
On the Slopes
Let’s face it, doing a half-pipe, big air or taking part in a boarder cross is a lot more fun and rewarding than plain downhill skiing. However, if you’re a skier and looking to do all the above snowboarding tricks, you can do so whilst skiing- get your hands on a pair of specially designed skis and you’ll be able to do all the half-pipes your heart desires.
It’s also worth mentioning that skiers can go faster, jump higher and go further, which for obvious reasons, makes it very fun for the thrill-seekers. The fastest skiing speed stands at 157 mph, in comparison to 126 mph for snowboarding- with the world record for ski jumping being a massive 251 metres.
Snowboarding – 0
Skiing – 1
It’s clear to see both sports have their pros and cons, but if you’re really looking for the cool factor then skiing is actually the way to go. Sorry snowboarders (and half of the Cornerstone team).