Keeping a Summer Body All Year Round – Team GB Style!

Back To Basics

First things first, fitness should be fun! Having a balanced, healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean beer is a no-go area after a good workout. You should have regular goals – whether you’re a competitive runner or want to look and feel good for a beach holiday. Goals give you direction in your training routine and motivate you when you don’t feel like having a workout. Train with a mate, hold each other accountable to show up and get on with it! Make small changes to boost your activity, I find working out in the morning helps to set up a great day physically and mentally.

Meals And Snacks

Fresh is always best! A piece of fruit, nuts and health bars that are easy to carry around all day make great snacks! Always be prepared so you don’t slip off the good path by picking up something unhealthy due to not having anything with you. I love getting inspirational recipes from others, especially people on Instagram who specialise in food prep. It’s so easy and simple these days, no excuses but to open the app, follow the right people and learn a few basic healthy go-to meals. I love a loaded Greek yoghurt bowl with fruits, nuts, peanut butter and granola. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day as it sets you up for the entire day ahead! I’m also a big fan of coffee and enjoyed many along with acai bowls on my recent trip to the Australian Gold Coast for the Commonwealth Games.

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Train To Prepare, Prepare To Train

As we prepared for the Commonwealth Games, the training load decreased so I was fresh for the competition. With more time on my hands and less training, it’s vitally important to make good choices with my diet as I’m trying to compete at a competitive weight (around 82kgs) and it would be very easy to gain weight in those last few weeks. I managed portion sizes accordingly and tried not to snack as often. For my modelling, you’re required to be in good shape all year round as a job can pop up at the last minute. Therefore being ready, leading a healthy, active lifestyle pays dividends for me.

Quick Win Tips For Staying In Shape?

I’d say invest in good training gear that makes you want to work out. Make sure you look and feel good, nice trainers and comfy gear can really give you a kick! When I was out in Australia, they get it – healthy eating and living are a lot easier depending on your environment, so I’d say try to put yourself in a pleasant surrounding when working out as it can really give you a positive attitude. Finally, for all those busy, long days, I run on black coffees, health bars and water as this keeps me awake, fresh and full to last the day.
